The most majestic house cat is arguably the Maine Coon. But how large exactly do these remarkable cats grow?
Maine Coon Cat Size: Info, Pictures & Height Comparison Chart
Maine Coons are known for being one of the most giant domestic cats in existence. The breed originated in the state of Maine in the United States, where they endured harsh, frigid winters, contributing to their development as a resilient breed suitable for cold climates.
How do these gentle giants compare in size to other domestic cats? Let's examine.
Maine Coon

Maine Coons, on average, can grow up to 20 pounds and 40 inches in length. Their voluminous, fluffy coats make them quite a handful for a cat. Therefore, if you're in search of a large cat breed, you'll find everything you're looking for in a Maine Coon.
These large cats were initially bred for their hunting abilities on farms, but due to their attractive appearance and intelligent, playful nature, they are now commonly kept as pets worldwide.
Fun fact: Instead of meowing like other cats, Maine Coons yowl!
Average Maine Coon Cat Weight
Maine Coons are famed for their larger-than-average size, but not all of them are massive cats. Fully grown male Maine Coons typically weigh between 18 to 22 pounds (8.2 to 10 kg) on average. On the other hand, female Maine Coons are generally lighter, weighing between 12 to 15 pounds (5.4 to 6.8 kg) on average. While some individual cats may exceed these weights, most tend to fall within these ranges.
Maine Coon Cats Height Comparison Chart
Maine Coons are pretty large and have a long body, but they are not the tallest cat breed when it comes to their height. Despite their large height variations (10 – 16 inches), their average height is lower than that of the Savannah cat, which usually has a smaller range in height (13 – 15 inches), with an average of 14 inches.
Maine Coon Length
Naturally, there are factors other than weight that we can use to contrast Maine Coons with other cats. The longest recorded Maine Coon measured an astonishing 48.5 inches from the tip of its nose to the end of its tail. This particular cat, named Stewie, regrettably succumbed to cancer in 2013.
Maine Coon Cat Size vs. Regular House Cats
The Domestic shorthair, also known as the "regular" house cat, is significantly smaller than Maine Coons in every aspect of size.
Weight | Height | Length | |
Domestic Shorthair | 6.5 – 12 pounds | 10 – 12 inches | 15 – 25 inches |
Maine Coon | 18 – 22 pounds | 10 – 16 inches | 19 – 40 inches |
The length of the tail varies greatly in Domestic shorthair cats. This means that they are often overshadowed in size by Maine Coons and other breeds. However, they are usually taller and longer than some other purebred cats.
How Big Do Maine Coon Cats Get?
Male Maine Coons typically reach an impressive size, and even the females often exceed the size of many other cat breeds. In general, owning a Maine Coon cat means having a large cat, regardless of gender and genetic makeup.
4 Interesting Facts About Maine Coon Cats

Every cat breed is unique in its way, but Maine Coons possess several distinctive characteristics that make them stand out, such as their shaggy coat, bushy tails, and imposing size. Referred to as "the gentle giants" of the feline world, they are recognized for their affectionate nature and strong vocal prowess. They are also relatively easy to train, contributing to their status as one of the most sought-after breeds. There is much more to learn about these magnificent, fluffy animals, so let's delve into their world!
Maine Coons are Native to Maine
The Maine Coon, as the name suggests, is indigenous to Maine and is designated as the official state cat. Various intriguing theories exist regarding their ancestral origins and how they arrived in the United States, ranging from the belief that their fluffy tails resulted from domestic cats mating with raccoons (though scientifically impossible) to the speculation that they are descendants of Queen Marie Antoinette's six beloved Turkish Angoras, which she had sent to the US while planning her escape during the French Revolution.
A similar, more plausible theory suggests they might have originated from short-haired domestic cats breeding with long-haired cats brought over by Vikings or European sailors in the early 18th century. Genetic testing tells us that the Maine Coon is an offshoot of the Norwegian Forest cat and another enigmatic extinct domestic breed, indicating a probable link to Vikings. One theory regarding their name suggests that it is related to Captain Charles Coon, a British sea captain who kept longhaired cats on his ship. When he would dock in New England ports, the cats would mate with local cats, and the appearance of longhaired kittens led them to be called "Coon's cats."
Maine Coons are Among the of the Largest Breed of Cats
Maine Coons, along with the Siberian, Ragamuffin, and Ragdoll breeds, are among the largest breeds of domesticated cats. They can grow so big that some people mistake them for bobcats! Male Maine Coons may weigh as much as 20 pounds, while females typically weigh between 8-12 pounds. Their total length, including their tail, can reach up to 48 inches. Unlike most cats, which usually take about a year to reach full physical maturity, Maine Coons typically don't reach their full size until they are three to five years old.
Many Maine Coons have Six Toes
Most cats have 18 toes—five on their front paws and four on their hind legs. However, some cats have an additional digit or two, called polydactyl cats. It is estimated that as much as 40% of early Maine Coons were polydactyls, which some claim helped the cats effectively navigate snowy Maine winters by using their paws as "natural snowshoes." While the mutation can occur within any cat population, it is most prevalent in the eastern United States, Canada, and England. This distribution is thought to result from the popularity of polydactyl cats on ships because sailors believed they brought good luck and that their extra toes provided them with better balance at sea, in addition to reportedly enhancing their hunting abilities.
Unlike most cats, Maine Coons love water
The Maine Coon is widely known for its unusual love of water. This preference may stem from their thick, partially water-repellent coats, which are longer on the stomach, ruff, and flanks, providing insulation and warmth in snowy or icy conditions. This insulating coat may also explain their fearlessness when getting wet. Additionally, their coats are less prone to matting than other longhaired cats due to their shorter undercoat.
The Biggest House Cats

Having a large domestic cat means more kitty for you to love! Aside from the Maine Coon, here are the domestic cat breeds that you can adopt:
While the Persian breed is sizable compared to most cats, it is not the largest feline breed on this list. Persian cats weigh only around 12 pounds on average, but their thick and luxurious fur creates the illusion of a larger size. Despite their substantial appearance, this breed is known for its calm demeanor and intelligence. Some owners have even claimed to successfully train them to perform tricks! Owning a Persian cat will mean providing extra grooming care. However, with daily maintenance, this task is easily manageable.
Savannah Cat
This large domesticated feline has recently faced increased scrutiny regarding its classification as a domestic cat. Savannah cats are the product of breeding domestic cats, typically Siamese, with the Serval, an African wild cat. Size can vary depending on the cat's distance from its Serval ancestor. Still, the tallest recorded Savannah cat, Arcturus Aldebaran Powers, measured an impressive 19.05 inches from the ground to its withers!
Norwegian Forest Cat
The Norwegian Forest feline is a sturdy, well-built cat with sizable paws and a substantial, dense fur that makes them appear even larger. With a weight of up to 22 pounds, this sizable domestic cat originated from a Norwegian tale. The tale narrated the existence of a cat that resided in the woods, appearing and vanishing like magic, with only a thick, furry tail visible at times. Norwegian cat breeders aimed to breed a cat that perfectly embodied this tale, leading to the creation of the Norwegian Forest Cat! This is truly a unique cat, so prepare to be mesmerized by its rare presence. These endearing large feline breeds are very selective about their companions and often become closely attached to only one individual. As a result, they may not be well-suited for larger families and a high-volume house as they can become jealous.
Turkish Van
The Turkish Van's weight can range from 9 to 20 pounds, and they grow up to 9 to 11 inches tall, as adults do! Despite its name, this particular breed originates in the Middle East. Known for their distinctively colored tail, these cats have a pure white body and may have blue, amber, or heterochromatic eyes. Like the Maine Coon, this large breed of cat also possesses an affinity for water, so it's something to keep in mind if you're considering having one of these furry companions!
The male Ragdolls can weigh as much as 20 pounds, which is generally significantly larger than their female counterparts. Ragdolls, known for their big blue eyes, charming natures, and super soft coats, are among the most popular breeds, especially in the UK. They are ideal family cats due to their people-loving personality and super laid-back, gentle nature. All Ragdolls are descended from Josephine, a longhaired white cat who was the mother of the first Ragdoll kittens in the 1960s.
This large domestic cat may have an uncommon name, but their rabbit-like coat and charming appearance will capture your affection. Typically weighing about 20 pounds, the Ragamuffin is an offshoot of the Ragdoll, which explains their similar characteristics. This breed originated from a disagreement among the original Ragdoll breeders about the breed's future. They established two distinct breeds, making the Ragamuffin available in various colors and the Ragdoll in a distinctive coat.
Like the Savannah, the Chausie is a large cat breed resulting from breeding a wild jungle cat with a domestic cat. These big cats weigh up to 25 pounds and have long legs and a lithe body. Known for their wild look, these outgoing cats are best suited for families who are mostly home. They are also happiest with a steady routine and dislike change, so you must always ensure you serve dinner on time for these large indoor cats!
What's the world's longest domestic cat?

The longest cat on record, according to Guinness World Records, was a Maine Coon named Mymains Stewart Gilligan (also called Stewie). He had a length of 123 cm (48.5 in), which made it one of the biggest domestic cats ever. Stewie, the feline, was known as a kind and gentle giant, often working as a certified therapy animal. He sadly died of cancer at age 8.
Those are the largest breeds of cats KittyNook has for you! If you don't have enough space in your home for the biggest house cats, learn all about the smallest cat breeds instead.
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