It's International Homeless Animals' Day! Ways You Can Take Part

Millions of animals fill up sanctuaries in the United States. And the epidemic of homelessness in animals expands beyond our borders—many nations worldwide face extreme homelessness issues among domestic pets. Fortunately for animal lovers like us, there are many ways to help! Celebrated every third Saturday of August, International Homeless Animals' Day focuses on animal overpopulation problem and exactly how to help fix it.
It's International Homeless Animals' Day! Ways You Can Take Part - KittyNook Cat Company

Millions of animals fill up sanctuaries in the United States. And the epidemic of homelessness in animals expands beyond our borders—many nations worldwide face extreme homelessness issues among domestic pets. Fortunately for animal lovers like us, there are many ways to help! Celebrated every third Saturday of August, International Homeless Animals' Day focuses on animal overpopulation problem and how to help fix it.

History of International Homeless Animals Day

The histories of pet rights and animal sanctuaries have long been linked. In the 1870s, pet protectionists and animal control centers began to see the lives of children and animals as similarly at risk and in need of protection, and SPCAs and anti-cruelty legislations started to be established. Though pets were specified as property, cruelty was still an offense.

In 1959, the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) was founded. It may be the first-ever animal rights organization worldwide. The people who began the ISAR aimed to hold people responsible for the unnecessary suffering and the exploitation of pets. Ever since, the ISAR has been associated with several animal rights issues. They also worked to increase liability for those that abuse pets.

The 20th century saw increased security offered to house pets such as dogs and cats, while animals for slaughter or working animals still obtained minor to no defenses. Dogs and felines got more interest from the social justice activities during the 60s and 70s when animal welfare groups such as ASPCA heavily centered on fostering, adoption, and campaigns against animal cruelty.

These same goals and directing values continue to be cultivated in animal rescues and animal rights groups even today, as individuals constantly defend better legal and physical securities for our furry babies. In 1986, the Georgia Animal Protection Act provided for the licensing of kennels, animal sanctuaries, pet stores, and stables. It was the first regulation to require a minimum standard of taking care of the pets housed in these centers. This was a huge win for animal civil rights groups. One more stipulation and act that broadened pet civil liberties was the Humane Assisted Euthanasia Act of 1990 and the passage of the Animal Rights act of 2000.

Though there is no government organization to manage pet sanctuary policy on a national level, around 5,000 independently operated pet sanctuaries and animal lovers groups are proactively helping control the homeless pet populace and advertise pet adoption and fostering. Sanctuaries typically react to cat overpopulation with volunteers to carry out TNR programs, in which they trap, neuter, and return felines to where they were discovered. This substantially lowers both overpopulations as well as problems in the shelters.

In 1992, the ISAR, or the conceived International Homeless Animals Day (IHAD), has grown in popularity. ISAR uses programs such as pet walks, adopt-a-thons, and fostering on International Homeless Animals Day, and many volunteers participate. Today and every day, we can all become the voices of homeless pets and help reduce their suffering.

Why Every Third Saturday of August is Important—International Homeless Animals Day

Sadly, the epidemic of homelessness of animals stretches beyond our boundaries. Lots of countries around the world face extreme homelessness issues amongst domesticated animals. Regretfully, over 70 million homeless pets are packed together in shelters in the USA. In Europe, approximately 100 million abandoned and stray animals roam the streets. The majority of these homeless pets comprise cats and dogs. On a worldwide range, 600 million pets seek shelters or wander the roads.

Nonetheless, organizations are stepping up to reduce homelessness by locating homes and preventing the populace from reproducing. Via events created to educate and raise awareness, groups offer several possibilities for people to be included. Some organize community events, pet adoption events, and more! From celebrities and individuals like you and me, there are opportunities for people to do something to fight homelessness in pets. So long as there are individuals like you and me who care about the welfare of pets, there is hope. Today we shed light on the problem of pet overpopulation and promote the importance of spaying and neutering.

International Homeless Animals' Day has an enormous reach. Over 50 nations and six continents observe the day through numerous pet events and programs. In the US, all 50 states hold celebrations to honor the day.

How Can You Take Part In International Homeless Animals' Day?

When thinking about bringing a new family pet into your life, keep the problem of overpopulation in mind. You can help battle pet overpopulation and homelessness in many ways! Additionally, if you care for pets, consider getting involved. Some of the ways are listed below:

Sponsor a Sanctuary Pet or Commit To Give To Your Local Animal Shelter

Are you unable to foster or adopt a pet at home? You can constantly help shelter pets by buying things for them. Coordinate with your local animal shelters, pick a pet and provide for any wish list they might have. You may also help your sponsored pet find a fur-ever home by sharing them on your social media. Share adoptable animals everywhere!

You can also pledge to make a monthly donation or start one-time fundraising campaigns and have your favorite local animal shelter as the beneficiary.

Spay/Neuter Your Pet

Shelters can end up being overpopulated so fast. Right now, many are struggling to find no-kill sanctuaries. Therefore, spaying and neutering your pets can go a long way! Consider this: one female cat can have up to 3 kitten litters per year with an average of 4 kittens each birth. Felines can reproduce for 12-15 years, suggesting one female cat could potentially have more than 150 kittens in her lifetime. This is why you need to neuter or spay your pets.

Donate to a Sanctuary

Most sanctuaries do more than taking on pets, providing the best possible care by treating pets clinically. This consists of spaying or neutering the pets, giving proper diets, treat pets with behavior problems, and more. Shelters around the world have played a significant role in minimizing the overpopulation of dogs and cats. If you can not donate, you can contribute your time and volunteer with the dogs and cats! We might always make use of any assistance you have to provide, also.

Adopt or Foster a Sanctuary Pet

Many sanctuaries are close to or have reached their maximum capacities. Give a lucky dog or cat a chance at a better life by opening your home. If adoption is something that you are not ready for, you may want to consider fostering! Fostering a pet makes more difference than you can ever imagine. Many pets would significantly benefit from having a foster home. 

You can also motivate others to adopt or foster pets instead of buying them from shops or breeders!

We hope we did our furry friends a favor by shedding some light on this issue today. Don't forget to use #InternationalHomelessAnimalsDay and be a part of the cause!

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