The Rarest Cat Breeds You're Unlikely To Come Across

The majority of us can conveniently identify a Siamese or Persian out of a lineup of cats, but how about a Peterbald? Or a Sokoke? Are they not ringing any bells?
The Rarest Cat Breeds You're Unlikely To Come Across - KittyNook Cat Company

The majority of us can conveniently identify a Siamese or Persian out of a lineup of cats, but how about a Peterbald? Or a Sokoke? Are they not ringing any bells?

But what makes a cat rare? Is it the looks? Is it the fact that there are only a handful around, or can they only be found in a particular part of the world? Whatever the reason, rare felines are remarkable, and most of these breeds are acknowledged by the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA). If you choose to get an occasional cat, make sure to get them on a reputable breeder, which is excellent advice for whatever type of feline you intend to bring home.

While everybody thinks their cherished cat is one in a million (I know I do!), owners of these rare cats can genuinely take this claim!

1. American Wirehair

This short-haired, even-tempered cat has a bouncy coat and came from a spontaneous anomaly in a kindle of ranch felines in 1966. Its distinct coat is what makes it stick out from other breeds. In addition, this cat is silent and caring, which makes it an ideal family pet.

2. Bombay

This glossy-coated black cat looks like a tiny panther, with its streamlined coat as well as its copper eyes. The Bombay is a hybrid produced from reproducing a sable-coated Burmese with a Black American Shorthair. This cat breed loves to fetch and is a caring and curious furry friend.

3. Burmilla

This silvery-hued cat also boasts a beautiful and distinctive face. They can both be in the long-haired and short-haired variety. A Chinchilla Persian and a Lavender Burmese created the first kindle of Burmilla cats back in 1981. This cat is pleasant and lively and is rare in the United States.

4. Cornish Rex

This short-haired feline is energetic, lively, and exceptionally affectionate. It can be found in an array of colors and patterns. However, it is distinct in its curly and textured coat, high cheekbones, and big ears set high upon its head.

5. Egyptian Mau

This athletic feline sports a short-haired spotted coat that gives it an exotic appearance. Egyptian pharaohs once worshipped these felines, and today, these cats appreciate the affection of their family members. However, they do thrive if given a lot of attention and let things be done their way. The Egyptian Mau possesses swift reflexes, a regal elegance, and grace.

6. European Burmese

This affectionate feline is extremely intelligent and loves to be around people. They love to play, but they are also content to snuggle or be a lapcat. The first litter of European Burmese came from the mix of a Burmese called Wong Mau (the first Burmese cat introduced to the Western World) with a Siamese cat in the 1930s in the USA.

7. Havana Brown

Featuring a short-haired, chocolate-brown coat, this inquisitive feline has mesmerizing green eyes and gets along well with people and other pets like dogs. It originated in England when black cats were bred with Siamese to try and create a brown cat. This breed came to the US in the 1950s.

8. Korat

Energetic, lively, and gentle, this cat was first discovered in Thailand, in the Korat district. The breed features a heart-shaped face and a shimmery blue coat and is considered one of the "good luck cats" in Thailand.

9. LaPerm

This curly-coated feline can be short or long-haired. They are highly affectionate and loves to play and be active. This breed originated from a kindle of barn cats in Oregon in 1982. The kitten has a mutation in which it was bald at first; then curly, soft hai started growing eight weeks later. Eventually, felines with these mutations were bred with each other to develop the LaPerm, which means "curly."

10. Minskin

This mix between a Munchkin and a Sphynx has a distinct appearance, with a very low sitting body, large ears, and large, rounded eyes. It was first bred in 1988 in Boston, and there are very few of this breed. The Minskin is lively, clever and is said to be the Corgies of the cat world.

11. Peterbald

This breed originates from Russia, initially bred in St. Petersburg in 1994. It has a wiry body, large ears, and a short coat (or no hair at all) and is very caring, frequently appearing very dog-like. The Peterbald makes a great family pet and adores being around people.

12. Singapura

This short-haired feline comes from Singapore and is affectionate, but it can be high maintenance. It initially appeared in the USA in the 1970s, and its bright and spirited disposition makes it a superb choice for a family pet.

13. Sphynx

This extremely rare feline's most striking feature is the reality that it has no hair. It is an all-natural congenital anomaly, initially discovered in Toronto, Canada, in 1966. The Sphynx has loosened skin, which produces its classic wrinkled look, and it is very playful and caring.

14. Turkish Angora

Originating in Turkey, this long-haired, curious feline has a distinct appearance as well as dynamic nature. This type is considered a national treasure in its residence country, and it makes a stunning family pet.

15. Turkish Van

This distinctive-looking cat is all-white with a dash of color on the head and the tail. It was first bred in central and southwest Asia and is unusual. The breed made its way to the United States in 1982, but it is difficult to find outside its homeland. This feline has a pleasant nature and famously likes to play in the water.

16. Devon Rex

This casual feline type made its name from its place of origin: Devonshire, England. With its big ears and playful mug, it's no wonder the Devon Rex is also called "Pixie Cat" as well as "Alien Cat." This is known for its silliness, always playing and interacting with its owners.

17. Kurilian Bobtail

While popular in its native home, Russia, the Kurilian Bobtail is seldom found in North America. According to The ICA, there are no more than 100 Kurilian Bobtails in the United States.

These cats are well-known shedders, whether their coat is long or short. It calls for more maintenance than the ordinary house cat. But, honestly, we think these stub-tailed charms are well worth it.

18. Norwegian Forest Cat

Almost declared extinct throughout WWII, the Norwegian Forest Cat features a thick, water-resistant coat that protects it from the freezing winter seasons of Scandinavia. Their enormous, hardy stature may look enforcing, but they're a social and are people-oriented type. 

The Norwegian Forest cat has a dedicated fanbase in Europe, but they're hardly found in the US.

19. Tonkinese

Hailing from Canada, the charming and unusual Tonkinese cat is a cross between the Burmese and the Siamese. Mixing these two types produced a line of intelligent, appealing, and vocal cats. It's hard to resist their trademark aquamarine-colored eyes!

20. Serengeti

The Serengeti was initially created by crossing a Bengal with an Oriental Shorthair to produce a domestic cat with an exotic appearance. They're a relatively new breed, with only a handful of breeders in the USA, Europe, Australia, and Russia. In addition to their regal looks, the Serengeti is an energetic feline who requires a lot of attention from its owners.

21. Chartreux

Passionately referred to as "the smiling blue cat of France," this rare cat breed has a history rich in stories and tales. According to tales, the Chartreux enjoyed a peaceful, monastic life when Crusaders brought them the Carthusian monasteries of France. Yet, even today, this cat is known for being silent.

Although the Chartreux is dubbed as the National Cat of France, it can be challenging to find breeders in America. This makes the Chartreux a precious rarity.

22. Sokoke

Even in rarest cat breeds, the Sokoke is one of the rarest. It is one of the rarest domestic cats worldwide. This cat is a naturally occurring breed in the indigenous Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Preserve in Kenya and sports a lean, graceful body and slender legs.

Although previously believed to be a crossbreed of wild cats, DNA tests have proven otherwise. So instead, this friendly and energetic breed can map its origins to Asian cats who were descendants of the wild cats of Arabia.

23. Ojos Azules

Ojos Azules, or "Blue Eyes" in Spanish, is an extremely rare cat stemming from New Mexico. Ojos Azules was first discovered in 1980, and the breed is known for its deep blue eye color.

24. Scottish Fold

Initially found at a ranch in Perthshire in Scotland in the 1960s, the breed has a natural dominant-gene mutation that affects the cartilage of the body, causing the ears to bend down in the direction of the front of the head. Scottish fold is known for being gentle.

Celebrities like Taylor Swift Ed Sheeran owns Scottish Folds, but veterinarians have advised against their reproduction as their hereditary problem can cause them to have brief and excruciating lives.

Do you wish to own some of these rare cat breeds? Whether you choose to add common cat breeds to your family or one of these more unique ones, you're sure to find a feline friend that has a distinct personality.

Look into the rest of our blog to discover more about felines, from toys to litter box training! We're constantly publishing valuable sources and ideas to help you learn more about your cats so you can be a fantastic fur parent!

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Patrick @ Fri, Jun 25, 21

Really interesting. Thanks!