Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? Here's Why.

Why do cats sleep so much? And just how much time do cats spend on sleeping? Find out on today's blog!
Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? Here's Why. - KittyNook Cat Company

Why do cats sleep a lot? Our feline buddies are masters at napping any time, any place, and under any situation. Cats are lounge lovers, but there's more to this behavior than meets the eye.

Before we answer the age-old question, "Why do cats sleep a lot?" let's first check out the length of time cats sleep. The average cat sleeps approximately 16 to 20 hours daily, depending on their age. The older they become, the sleepier they get. This sleeping practice is a result of the cat's evolution, dietary routines as well as physiology.

Sleeping is in their genes
In the wild, cats need to search to consume, as well as the stalking, chasing, and also eliminating target burns a lot of energy. Sleeping helps felines save power in between meals.

Cats aren't always sound asleep
One more thing to consider when saying, "Why do cats sleep so much?" is just how they rest. Of the time cats spend sleeping, three-quarters are what we could call snoozing. Because of the state, cats can get all the rest they require. However, they' remain alert at a minute's notice. You can tell when your cat remains in light sleep because their ears will jerk and also rotate toward noises. Their eyes will also be open a tiny bit. Also, when they're resting upright, it means that they're only snoozing.

Cats do Sleep Deep and are Capable of Dreaming
The remaining quarter of your cat's resting hours is spent in a deep sleep. However, older felines might invest as long as 33% to 46% of their time sleeping. You can tell that your cat is in deep sleep when they are curled and have their eyes securely closed. Sometimes, they may also have their tail over their face, like a fluffy sleep mask. Deep sleep is vital for the body's capacity to regenerate itself and also stay healthy and balanced. If you see your pet's whiskers or paws twitching while they're asleep, there's a high chance they're dreaming.

A change in your pet's sleeping routines could be an indicator of a problem
Is there such thing as too much—or inadequate—rest? If your cat begins resting a great deal much more or a lot less than usual, call your vet. Extreme rest could be a sign of health problems or discomfort, while constant wakefulness can show an issue such as hyperthyroidism.

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