While a cat peeing in your potted plant or flowerbeds probably won't immediately harm them, continued peeing in the same spot will eventually kill most plants.
Cat urine can have the same effect as some fertilizers. Cat pee contains minerals that aren't bad for your plant but, over time, can harm plants similarly to a fertilizer burn. If the roots are burnt, the plant may be unable to recover.
Potted Plants Are More Susceptible to Cat Pee
Different plants will react differently to cat pee. Potted plants have limited amounts of soil, so the urine won't disperse as it will in other circumstances. Generally, plants grown in pots are likelier to die than those planted on the ground or flower beds.
Save Your Plant By Doing These:
1. Wash the Soil Extensively
One way to help your plant is by rinsing out the cat pee from the pot. Do this by watering the plant until water streams out of the drainage holes under the pot. You can repeat this a few times to guarantee that the soil and plant have been thoroughly washed.
For plants on the ground or yard beds, you can hose the whole area with water. This will remove the cat pee from the plant and will work to save the plant's roots if done quickly enough.
If the idea of keeping the soil after rinsing grosses you, you can replace your plant's soil altogether and throw the old stuff in the trash. I will not recommend this, though, as it is wasteful.
2. Use Humane Deterrents to Keep Cats Away in the Future
Even if you're rinsing the cat's pee, you may still want to take steps to deter the cat from peeing in your plants. Please do not use any deterrents that are harmful to cats. I will offer some options below to allow you to deal with cats humanely while maintaining your yard cat pee-free.
It is essential to keep the cats away from your plants, though, since if you don't, they will keep peeing in the same place. They chose the area because it's convenient to pee, so you need to make it less so.
Ways to Keep Your Cat Away From House Plants
1. Keep Litter Boxes Clean
One of the significant reasons a cat pees outside the litter box is that it is dirty. Like humans, cats dislike dirty bathrooms!
Scoop litter boxes at least once or twice daily and replace cat litter weekly. If you notice that the litter box is dirty while changing the litter, clean it before refilling it with fresh litter.
Remember that some cats may be fussier than others. If your cat is incredibly picky, try scooping more often or adding litterboxes for them to use.
2. Cover the top of the Soil
Covering the top of the soil is an easy way to make it deter your cat from peeing on the house plant. You can use aluminum or plastic. You can also cover the soil with rocks, bark, or other materials.
If you do this, consider that you will make the soil moist for longer by slowing down the process of evaporation. Depending on your houseplant and the chosen material, this might keep the ground saturated and kill your plant with rot.
For example, you don't want to cover cacti soil with cling wrap to keep it moist, but this works on Fittonias because those plants love dampness.
3. Use Skewers to Discourage your Cat
You can put skewers around your plant so your cat can't crouch down and pee in the dirt. Try placing them a few inches apart, depending on the dimension of your pot.
4. Place Double-Sided Tape or Aluminum Foil Around the Area
Cats do not like having their paws stuck on tapes. Therefore, they learn to avoid going into the area. Put double-sided sticky tape near your plants to deter your cats from peeing in the area. Aluminum foil can work in the same way.
5. Place a Litter Box Near the Plant
If your cat has decided where they want their restroom, it may be a good idea to accommodate their wishes. Try putting a litterbox next to your plant or switching over the plant for a litterbox in the exact area.
6. Switch Up Your Litter Brand
If your cat is using dirt instead of litter, it may be because they dislike the brand that you're currently using. Many types of litter are available on the market, so it may be worthwhile to change them up and let your cat choose what brand they like best.
7. Block Access to the Plant
If you can, block your cat's accessibility to the plant they are peeing in. Here are some ways to do it:
- Keep your plants in a room with the door closed to ensure that cats can't get to them.
- Hang your plants in places where cats can't reach them.
- Shelves can also accomplish this so long as your cat can't leap onto them, or you can deter them from doing so.
All of these can be harder for large planters and plants that require being in a specific spot in your home to get the light they need. However, it would be excellent to move your plant or block its access.
8. Use Cat-Friendly Deterrents
As stated above, be careful when using cat deterrents as lots of them can poison your cat by inhalation (like citrus essential oils) or if your cat happens to consume them.
Do complete research before buying any product to guarantee it's cat-friendly. For example, citrus peels will deter most felines, and they aren't as dangerous as essential oils because they're not as concentrated. However, if your cat eats them, they may be poisoned.
9. Visit your Vet
Inappropriate urination is a sign of an issue in some cats. While cats typically eliminate pee and poop in dirt and soil, it might be worth examining if this behavior has some underlying medical or behavioral reasons.
Last Words

Sometimes, felines and plants don't get along. If your cat is peeing in your plant pot or your neighbor's cat is doing their business in the yard, you might be worried about the effects of cat pee on your plants.
Cat pee can kill plants if the peeing often happens in the same area. It affects indoor plants potted plants more significantly than it does those in the ground.
To save your plants, rinse the cat pee with a lot of water and use a gentle cat-friendly deterrent to keep the cat out.
We can not expect cats to understand that they should not do business with your potted plants. Cats are naturally drawn to potted plants and flower beds since they naturally like to hide their waste and scents. Soil makes a fantastic litter box! To keep felines out of your yard or houseplants, you'll need to make an effort to deter your cat and not punish them.