Cats are notoriously independent and are very willful. And we love them for that. However, can they be taught cat tricks? Contrary to popular belief, let us show you how to start training cats and how you can transform your feline friend into a trainable cat.
Cat owners often assume that their cat is too irritable to train and that cat training is a waste of time and effort. Some may further feel that cats are egoistic, making them un-trainable. The fact is; usually, pets don't follow instructions because they don't understand what you want them to do. So if you tried and failed, you might be doing it wrong.
We can't stress this enough: training your cat requires time and perseverance. It takes even more of that when you're teaching them to perform specific tasks. A sure-fire method to get results is to make use of favorable reinforcement. Whatever happens, remember not to reprimand your cat. Instead, take the route of praising them for good feline behavior.
Another factor that may help in the training process is to start when they are young. The ideal period is between 8-10 weeks old. However, cats will still do well at any age.
First Things First

How do you do this? The first lesson to teach your cat is to come to you when called. To do this, hold your cat's favorite snack while calling their name. You'll want to ensure he is in a good mood. You'll also want to make sure there aren't many sounds to swerve their attention away from you. Diversions will reduce their interest or confuse them. Decide on one command and always use it. Orders should be short and easy to remember for both of you. As an example, "come, [name]" works well. Similarly, "right here, kitty" also works.
How Do I Train My Cat?
Stoop down to their level, then give the command. Make sure your voice is exciting and friendly. When the cat comes to you, provide cat-treats as a reward. Make sure that you praise your cats as well. After that, move away and do it all over again. Practice using the same intonation and command.
Short training sessions are best for cats. Work with it for no more than 10 minutes per session. If your cat becomes tired or shows frustration, let them take breaks. Practice this routine two or three times a day in a week. Once he knows this command by heart, you can move forward with more complex ones. An example would be putting them on harness and leash.Using Leash and Harness
You might want your cat to learn to endure a harness and leash whenever you need to take trips with them.
To do this, you'll wish to begin by placing the harness on him. Do not put on the leash immediately. Praise him for enduring the harness. Provide its loved-treats for doing so well. Doing so builds a positive reinforcement loop that would help with future sessions.
As soon as you think they're comfortable with the harness, affix the chain or leash. Let your cat lead you in the location that the cat wants, then slowly coax the cat into following you with tasty treats and praise as weapons. Some cats may use their heel to remove the chain or leash, but the majority will not. Eventually, they will learn not to struggle when wearing a chain or leash.
Clicker Training
You could also try out clicker training, which your cat would find surprisingly fun and stimulating. It would also help deal with less-than-ideal cat behaviors.
If you do not have a clicker, substituting it with a whistle is a viable option. The whole purpose is for a trigger that your cat can associate with the positive, correct behavior.
With clicker and whistle training, you should make a sound at the exact moment that your cat exhibits the desired action you would like them to do. You could further reinforce this with their favorite snack.
I hope you try these basic ideas and they will help you have more fun times with your cat! Don't forget to share with us the tricks you use to train your cats!