Some Tips To Deal With Catfights

That familiar shrieking of cats involved in catfights, how annoying! In today's blog we share tricks to deescalate these nasty situations scratch and bite-free!

Feral or not, your cat may get entangled up in fights, especially if they are an outside cat. Generally, inside cats are not susceptible to fighting, unless they find themselves outside or have a visitor inside the house.

But bad days come to all of us, even cats.

We all heard cats fighting in the evening, and they sound like children shrieking. Imagine hearing that when you've done your skincare and are ready for bed! The way I untangle cats in the middle of a fight is to hose them down. It's useful and will not harm them so much. It also won't cause too much noise.

For inside cats, however, we don't want water all over the carpeting. I find that putting big objects between the two tangled up in the fight is the most effective way to stop them. Remember that you should not get in the way if they are in the middle of a fight. This can result in cat bites and scratch marks. Use a chair instead. Shake the chair delicately whilst you glide it between the fighting cats. This will alarm your cats and stop them. A "time out" will also be helpful. Put them in different rooms for a short while.

A good tell-tale indicator that your cat is anxious will be that their hair will stand around the body. When your cat is ready to strike, you will see the coat stand in a narrow line along the spinal column up to their tails. Cats do this to make themselves look more massive. This is the best time to whisk the chair out.

If you allow your cat to go out, I strongly advise you to have them vaccinated. Be sure to update their shots annually as well. This is essential if you do not want your feline to catch nasty stuff like Feline Aids (FIV), can enter their wounds during catfights. This also secures your cat from many diseases such as Feline Leukemia (FeLV).

It is likewise essential to have them neutered. Unneutered males will combat fiercely for a female if they're in heat, leaving both of them in tatters.

Due to their lifestyle and the dangers they face, outdoor cats' average lifespan is just five years. Keeping them indoors will not only add years and years to their lives, but it will also save you expensive veterinarian costs for infected wounds, perhaps a broken tooth, torn ears, and more because of these nasty one-on-ones.

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