Finding A Lost Cat: They Might be Closer Than You Think!

You have perhaps found your way through this short article because you can't find your cat. First of all: Do not panic. There's a likelihood your feline is someplace near your home and will re-emerge soon. It could simply take some looking. We at KittyNook have some ideas that can help.
Finding A Lost Cat: They Might be Closer Than You Think! - KittyNook Cat Company

You have perhaps found your way through this short article because you can't find your cat. First of all: Do not panic. There's a likelihood your feline is someplace near your home and will re-emerge soon. It could simply take some looking. We at KittyNook have some ideas that can help.

Start at Home and Work Yourself Outward

two lost cat, one gray tabby and one orange tabby in a bleak place

Assuming you didn't see your cat run out the door, the first thing you should do is to ensure your lost feline isn't still in your house. If you possess an interior cat, they will likely be someplace near your home. Look around the immediate outside of your home, under decks and patios, and other places where a feline can hide. Suppose that search doesn't generate results, head to your neighbors. In this search, don't just ask whether they've seen the cat; ask if you can look around their home as you did at your property. They will simply not care that much to do that, so you will need to do it yourself.

While walking the neighborhood, call your cat's name and shake their food bag loudly. Many felines are motivated by food and may come running when they hear the kibble bag shaking. You can also put the cat's litter box, bed, toys, and so on outside to attract them to return.

A 2017 study on missing 477 felines determined how far from the house they were found. The median distance is about 50 meters from the residence. For interior cats, the average length was 39 meters away.

Cats with access to the outdoors- ones that could wander around the community openly- typically found farther away. According to the research, their typical range was gauged at 300 meters, more than three football fields away.

If you know your indoor-outdoor cat's area, search that location before broadening farther out.

Find A Hiding Cat

Find A Hiding Cat

Your cat's past behavior could give you an idea of what the cat is doing when they're lost. If your cat is friendly when someone visits your home, they may have strayed to a nearby residence and found a way inside.

If your cat hides and does resurface until long after houseguests have left, they could be hiding somewhere. They'd be panicked and terrified and will hide and keep silent. That's why owners have to look hard.

Some felines might eventually return to the home because they pass a "threshold" and need their human--likely for food or water--however, it is not always how things unfold.

Make Fliers And Use Social Media

Make Fliers And Use Social Media

It's excellent to get the word out regarding your lost cat. However, a post on Facebook or Instagram may not do a lot when you're not connected to people in your community. We recommend posting in the neighborhood, where your neighbors are likely to see the information. You could also check if there's a social media-based lost pet organization in your area that can spread the word.

Craigslist is a great place to upload and look for posts concerning found felines in your area. Fliers are excellent, but you'll want to hand them straight to next-door neighbors. Just stapling them to a utility pole isn't as effective.

For signs, go huge. Go neon. Have your signs large and fluorescent, with a large image of your pet. Pu the signs at major crossways near where the pet was lost so drivers do not miss it. Keep the message short so motorists and pedestrian traffic can read it as they pass.

Make calls to local shelters to see if anyone has found your feline. If your cat was using a collar and ID tags--better yet, microchipped--and winds up being turned into a shelter, you have a superb chance of reuniting. If your cat did not have any ID or wasn't chipped, calling sanctuaries or scouring them might boost your odds of success.

Luring Out a Lost Cat

Luring Out a Lost Cat

Finding a missing cat is tough, but luring it home may be an additional obstacle. Your feline could want to stay in its hiding area.

Owners attempting to entice their cats should use food. You can even place food inside the door and shut it once your feline heads back inside. You may likewise consider leaving food and water outside the home if the cat returns in the evening.

A humane trap could be needed when your cat hides in a secluded area. Cover the trigger plate with a towel or a blanket. You can dribble food to the catch with a bigger potion inside the trap.

Set Up a Humane Trap

Set Up a Humane Trap

Purchase, rent, or borrow a gentle trap and place it in an area near your home or around your feline's last known location. For example, the Have-A-Heart trap allows you to use water and food as bait. Once an animal moves into the catch, it will humanely shut without hurting your cat.

Update Your Cat's Chip

Update Your Cat's Chip

If your feline is microchipped, update your contact information with the provider. Most microchip companies even have resources for lost pets, including help reaching out to local veterinarians and shelters.

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