Halloween Candies Can Kill Your Cat!

Happy Halloween! Did you know that trick or treat sweets can be fatal for your cats? In this blog we remind you of the dangers of treats so you can enjoy the Halloween without trouble.
Halloween Candies Can Kill Your Cat! - KittyNook

As parents, we frequently advise our children, "Don't eat excessively or you'll make yourself ill." At worst, a kid who packs him or herself with chocolate might get nausea and a stomachache.

For millions of families, Halloween is sweet treats galore—chocolates, marshmallows, sweet jelly beans, and fun-size versions of nearly every candy product possible.

However, for our fuzzy buddies that consume the treats, "getting sick," maybe the least of our worries. Most sweet treats can be deadly to cats, dogs, and other tiny animals..

As family pet owners, it's our task to secure our pets from danger.

Yes, many pets prefer to eat what we consume. Yes, our pets like sweet foods. And yes, it feels good to indulge our pets by providing "just a little" of what we're having. But most food that humans love can not only create ailment for your precious pet, they can also be fatal. Given how tiny a cat is compared to a human, it often doesn't take much.

Chocolate is a fatal food for pets (dark chocolate is the worst, white chocolate has the lowest danger). It's not only high in fat, it contains two nerve boosters, caffeine and theobromine. The fat can make your animal vomit or cause the bowels' looseness—unpleasant, but generally not fatal.

It's the boosters that often trigger fatality. Theobromine is both a cardiac stimulant and also a diuretic. A pet that consumes an ample amount of chocolate may feel great initially, but will probably become ecstatic and hyper within a couple of hours. It might pass large amounts of pee and come to be abnormally thirsty. The theobromine will undoubtedly cause your pet's heart rate to speed up or beat off-and-on, either of which can trigger death.

However, it's not just chocolate that's the issue. All sweet foods can cause dental troubles, lead to obesity, and contribute to diabetes mellitus in pets. So make sure to maintain your stockpile of delicious chocolate firmly out of your family pet's reach.

Children are infamous for leaving stuff unattended, so make sure they do not leave their candies lying around (or sweet wrappers, which can lead to choking).

Do not neglect just how persistent an animal can be when it smells something tasty in a garbage can.

If you think your pet has consumed sweets, call your vet, and examine their symptoms. Signs and symptoms of chocolate poisoning are anxiety, throwing up, drinking excessively, and panicking to sounds, touch, lights, etc.

If your veterinarian is closed, call an emergency veterinarian facility. If you do not have among those in your location, you can get one of the national animal poisonous substance control lines to give aid.

It depends on you to ensure that Halloween treats and other hazardous foods are maintained safely out of your home pet's reach, so your whole family can enjoy the occasion without trouble!

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